Before anything else, let me wish you and your families a wonderful
Thai New Year and a safe and fun-filled
Songkran Break...!
Now...down to business...! I have a number of
SONGKRAN BREAK HOMEWORK/ASSIGNMENTS for you to work on given the 10 days you are going to "
miss" seeing me and/or “
miss” being in my class.
FIRST…you have the entire Songkran Break to read and take notes on the novel
The Glass Menagerie…at this point in time, if you suddenly stop and ask yourself the question, “
What Glass Menagerie?”…then you are in deep, deep, deep trouble simply because despite the number of times I repeated this in class and even wrote it on the board for you to see, you chose not to listen and did not bother checking out the book from the library like I told you to do…!
SECOND…you should start planning and working on your
ODYSSEY movie clip as early as now. I am going to ask for an update from every group on what you have already accomplished by the time we hit the last week of April. Make sure to take note of the workers and the slackers in your group for peer rating purposes…!
THIRD…since all classes have discussed
Romeo & Juliet, then expect your
MT on that act the day we get back from Songkran Break…do not bother asking me whether it is in objective form or paragraph writing form because I will not tell you…!
FOURTH…on an
A4/F12/DS/TNR, write me a two page essay of how your Songkran Break is…try to be as honest as possible in relating the events that transpired during your holidays…if it was boring, then write about it…if it was fun, then tell me what made it fun. Here’s the catch,
you have to apply any one of the styles of writing found in our Literary Terms List that is suited for your essay. If you do not know what those styles are…then it means you have been a “parrot” long enough that it is time you learned how to apply those terms…!
FIFTH…send me, through this blog, the names of the people in your group for the
choral recitation and the piece you have chosen to work on and present. During the week we get back, I am going to find the time to call people and their groups in front to deliver the piece altogether…!
SIXTH…you will be having your
Second MT on the
Literary Terms as soon as we get back from the break…those who got their first perfect score already, two to go…!
LASTLY…start putting together
ALL the
Words To Own vocabs and their meanings from all the stories we have read from our text…from The Most Dangerous Game to Romeo and Juliet. If I am not mistaken, there are about seven stories at the moment…more to come…!
That’s All Folks! Have a Safe and Wonderful Songkran Break and come back refreshed and ready to
Rock-N-Roll for the final stretch of the year. This is it…the end zone…you have to give it all you got since there is no more room for “I’ll do better next quarter.” Be good and get all your homework/assignments out of the way as soon as possible so that you can enjoy your break to the max…
Mr. A