TO ALL MY LITERATURE 9 STUDENTS...GREETINGS!I purposely did not post this immediately since it is not due just is simply something to remind you of what's in stored in Literature 9 in the next few weeks.
FIRST...go over the scenes you performed from our
Romeo & Juliet Presentations and understand exactly what is going on in those scenes; make sure you try to understand the conversations you delivered and what their sentences meant and who they were referring to; you need not write it down just yet, unless you want to...!
SECOND...try to see if you can already choose which scene you intend to work on from the
ODYSSEY...this way, when I put you in groups next week, you can immediately begin your project...!
THIRD...for the
Fourth Quarter, I am only going to record
three (
Mastery Tests on your
Literary Terms; it'll go this way...if you get
three consecutive perfect scores, then you no longer have to take it anymore until the end of the year...
consecutive meaning one perfect score after the other with no gaps; however, for people who are unable to get a perfect score, they will continuously take it until the end of the year or until they get those
three consecutive perfect scores as well; this'll mean that we are going to have a
Literary Terms Test every week or once every two weeks...announced and unannounced...!
LASTLY...we will be having our group/choral recitation of the poems I gave you to choose from by the time we get back from our Songkran Break...most probably around first week of May 2008; I have copied what I sent before just in case you forgot already...remember, you can only choose from the list below...
Find six to eight other people you can recite it with; when I say recite, I mean proper recitation with feelings and emotions, proper pauses, and in unison; think of it in terms of a choral recitation!
- The Lesson Of The Moth (p.140)
- Daily (p.495)
- I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud (p.510)
- Beware: Do Not Read This Poem (p.531)
- The Seven Ages Of Man (pp.536-537)
- The Gift (p.564)
- Fifteen (p.571)
- The Girl who Loved The Sky (pp.576-577)
- Ain't I A Woman? (p.611)
- Your Laughter (p.853)That's All Folks!!! See you all next well...and stay safe...get enough rest to prepare you for your Stanford 9 Testing Sessions!
CIAO!!!Mr. A